Sunday, January 10, 2010

St. Andrew's Day Annual Dinner Prayer

Some of my Facebook friends know that during my prayer at the Annual Dinner last November, it was interrupted with laughter but ended with applause. Here is the prayer:

"Dear God, we pause this evening to be thankful for:  Our Nation, Our military who fight for our freedom;  Our St. Andrew's Society; the Scottish Home and the liberal donors who support our mission and goals.  We are thankful for the contributions of Scottish men and women to the history of our nation and the modern world.  As one man has written the Scots have invented the modern world and everything that is in it.

(This where the laughter occurred.  I was only quoting a best-selling book by Arthur Herman, How The Scots Invented the Modern World.  After calming the 450 people present my prayer continued)

Your remember God that in 1845, young Scottish immigrants met, along the banks of the Chicago River to celebrate St. Andrew's Day and invoke your blessings on their future.  The invocation was offered by the Reverend Giles.  He prayed about their coming motto 'Relieve the Distressed'  He prayed about their soon to be adopted mission statement ' that no deserving Scottish person, seeking aid, would ever go hungry, homeless, without medical care or be buried in a Potters' field.'

It was an impossible mission and that is why they sought your blessings. Our focus has changed over the years, but we still seek Your blessings on our work. On hundred and sixty-three individuas have stood before this celebration to give the invocation.  I am now 164 asking that You give us wisdom to know how to follow the vision of our Founding Fathers.

We celebrate who we are tonight and we recognize the impact of our Scottish heritage upon our own lives and upon our history.  Especially bless the President of our Society, Gus Noble, the Board of Directors, the Finance Committee, the Scottish Home and the thousand of people who help keep our Scottish heritage alive.

Oh!  Yes, and one more thing, God, if you can - please bless the haggis." 



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